Planemaker's Only Wish
RC Planes Forum is a place where RC enthusiasts can come together and post Q&A, share helpful hints or just have some fun. This posting is for all people in all walkes of life. So please keep it clean you never know who may be looking.
One of my first memories of RC airplanes is of a J-3 Cub. I was playing with some friends and there neighbors was into RC planes and had just crashed his Giant Scale J-3 Cub. Well, the wing was toast but the fuse survived. I don't know why he decided to get ride of it and not just build a new wing but he had given the fuse to my friends to play with. Being giant scale, and I being young, the darn thing was big enough for one of us to ride down a hill in. This neighbor had also riged up the steering, rudder and ellevator movments to a stick in the center. Needless to say that if the damn thing had a wing we would have flown. This is one of the reasons that I am invovled in the RC planes hobby. That and I think RC is cool. But, my dream has always been to own and fly a scale Cub. I have choosen to start out with something that isn't a giant scale but still pretty substantial in size. The Sig 1/4 Scale J-3 Piper Cub has a 108" wing span and recomended engine size I believe is .61-1.20. I will power it with a 28cc Mucalla engine that I converted to an aircraft engine. For this particular aircraft I have been told that usually they are powered with a 23cc to a 25cc gas engine. But, my engine is a little heavier then gas engines designed for model aircraft so the added power would be to my advantage. Plus I plan to put floats on it an fly off of the water, snow and ice. I plan to start building this winter with no deadline. I would like to build it to scale and include a pilot and cockpit. I really have no idea how I am going to do all of this but I have club members who I can call on for help. If you have ever built any scale planes at all, or this one in particular, I could use a little guidance. My building skills are okay but this will be my first scale attempt. So if you have any suggestions I thank you in advance. I could use all the help I can get.