It has been a long time since I have posted anything on my blog and there have been some changes. After the 2005 airhow I took it upon myself the organize the 2006 airshow. It was an uphill battle the whole way but it was all worth it in the end. That year I did not get to do allot of flying and at the end of the year I crashed my bat plane into a tree. At that point I had only been able to fly maybe five or six days out of that year. The fuse survived but it needs a new wing, the landing gear mounting block has to be glued back in place and the tail surfaces need to be glued back on. It will fly again but not now. I never got around to building the Sig Cub and the Northstar so I figured why not just get rid of them and get something that can get me in the air now. So I downloaded the plans to this little puppy to the right. It is a Skeeter 30. A Hacker 20-20L with a 1250 milliamp 3 cell lithium and a 20 amp Cermark ESC provide me with power to spare. This was my first scratch build and the plane is on the heavy side but still flies well. I will be selling this plane at a swoop meet next weekend because I would like to build another one that is lighter and add some side rails to the fuse.
This winter I have a couple of builds lined up. First of all I would like to rebuild my Skeeter 30, next I plan to build a Bridi kit called the Vagabond 40 and I would like to repair my bat plane (a Sig Mid Star) because there is this soft spot in my heart for it. I would also like to get a Ultimate bipe. There is now a manufacturer making an ARF of this great plane in a 40 size. You can find it at
Well that is all for now and after I get back from the swoop meet next weekend I hope to have a few new things to get me through this winters build. As this will be my largest one to date.
Hello planemaker,
Congrats on organizing an entire airshow! Would love to see the results of your winter build.
As an RC aficionado, I'd like to invite you to watch the season finale of our doc-reality show "Dust Up." It features daredevil crop dusters in Nipawin, Sasksatchewan, and their Piper Pawnees which they fly to save harvests in the Prairies. It also teaches a fair bit of aviation history - about how WWII planes became crop dusters after being decommissioned.
The last two episodes of our first season will air back-to-back tomorrow (Thursday, June 16) at 9 pm ET/PT on History Television. We would love it if you would join us and spread the word to your other RC friends.
Some teasers to whet your whistle:
Ep 5 Teaser - The Winds of Change
Ep 6 - The Killing Frost
Dust Up on History Television June 2011
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